Sofia Busacca

Sofia Busacca

Junior Cataloguer & Assistant

Sofia became a part of Roseberys in 2022 and is currently dividing her time between the Silver and the Works of Art departments. Her responsibilities involve conducting research, cataloguing, and condition checking for the Silver sales. Additionally, she extends general support to the Works of Art department, engaging in photography and condition checking for the Traditional Home sales.

Before joining Roseberys, Sofia completed an internship at Olympia Auctions in London and gained experience working for museums and exhibitions, including The Design Museum, London. A member of The Silver Society, Sofia channels her interest in silver, with a particular fondness for cataloguing Georgian pieces. She has a fascination for the techniques employed in working and decorating metal. Other fields of interest include snuff boxes, objects of vertu and Art Deco pieces.

Fluent in both Italian and English, Sofia also holds a conversational level of Spanish. Outside of her professional pursuits, she takes pleasure in frequenting museums, exhibitions, and botanic gardens.

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