Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Create an account
Passwords are a minimum of 8 characters and must include an upper case letter, a lower case letter, a number and a special character (e.g., !@#$%^&*).
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Select your interests

Keyword Alerts
Register to receive personalised keyword alerts emails.
When our catalogues are published online, an email will be sent to you featuring the lots with images that match your search criteria.
You may add, amend or cancel these alerts at any time in your account.
Add Keywords: (e.g Modern)
Receive emails when new lots are added that match your interests
How did you hear about us?
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Contact Details
Billing Address
Shipping Address
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Contact Details
Are you registering as a company?
Company Registered Address
Shipping Address
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Verify your identity
In order for us to comply with current regulations we need to verify your identity using two forms of identification, for example a passport and a utility bill.
*If you are registering as a company, please only upload your personal documents here. There is a separate section for company documentation later in the registration process.
Note : A maximum of 5 documents can be uploaded for each type of document
Note : A maximum of 5 documents can be uploaded overall for both types of document
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Verify your company identity
In order for us to comply with current regulations we need to verify your identity using two forms of identification, for example a passport and a utility bill.
Note : A maximum of 5 documents can be uploaded overall for both types of document
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Processing data...
We are processing your data. Please wait...
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Selling with Roseberys
Do you wish to sell with Roseberys? If so we can set up a vendor account for you.
Bank Account Details
Please enter your banks details. This will be used to make any settlement payments post auction for items that have sold.
Or Skip this step and provide your details later
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Non UK Domicile bidder deposit.
We require a bidder deposit on your account
We ask all non-UK residents to provide a £{{register.deposit_amount}} GBP deposit before the first time of bidding. The deposit is shadowed from your account in the same way you would do in a hotel. Once the auction is over, your deposit is released.
Thank you, your deposit payment has been processed.
Please click continue
Step {{progression.step_name}} of {{progression.total_step_name}}
Add a Payment Card (optional)
Would you like to store your card details with our payment solution provider Opayo to make invoice payments faster?
Please note, a £1 charge will be applied to your card and then released as part of the card registration process.
Your card was successfully added.
Saving your account, please wait...
Registration Completed
Thank you for registering
Your registration is being processed and your account will be approved shortly. If you require urgent assistance please call our client services team +44 (0) 20 8761 2522
Newsletter Signup
Keyword Alerts
Would you like to receive personalised keyword alerts when new catalogues go live. If so, please indicate these below
Set a password to save your keyword alerts
Passwords are a minimum of 7 characters and must include an upper case letter, a lower case letter, a number and a special character (e.g., !@#$%^&*).