In another instance, a small Chinese porcelain bowl bought for £1 in a charity shop was later revealed to be a rare 18th-century artifact from the Qing Dynasty. The bowl was subsequently sold for £2.5 million at auction. Such instances highlight the importance of obtaining accurate valuations to ensure that the true value of art pieces is reflected in estate valuations for IHT purposes.
Avoiding Costly Mistakes: Why Art Collectors Need Expert Appraisals for IHT Purposes?
Published On: 05/06/2023
In another instance, a small Chinese porcelain bowl bought for £1 in a charity shop was later revealed to be a rare 18th-century artifact from the Qing Dynasty. The bowl was subsequently sold for £2.5 million at auction. Such instances highlight the importance of obtaining accurate valuations to ensure that the true value of art pieces is reflected in estate valuations for IHT purposes.
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